How to fix german MATLAB code in LaTeX

Tim Bernhard

If you encounter an error such as, for example (replace "B6 with the character byte that fails for you, e.g. "93)

\lst@eaten ->-

Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence "B6

here is the reason and fix.

Reason: UTF-8 encoding is not read by listings package.

Fix: explicitly set the UTF-8 characters to the values readable by LaTeX, such as:

            {~}{{$\neg$}}1 %               \neg, logical not
            {<=}{{\tiny$\leq$}}1 %         \leq
            {>=}{{\tiny$\geq$}}1 %         \geq
            {~=}{{\tiny$\neq$}}1 %         \neq, not equal
            {delta}{{\tiny$\Delta$}}1 %    \Delta
            {µ}{{$\mu$}}1 %                \mu
            % Allow for German characters in lstlistings.
            {(end)}{\lstbasicfont (end)}{5} % black ``end'' when indexing last vector element
            {({ }end)}{\lstbasicfont ({ }end)}{6}
            {(end{ })}{\lstbasicfont (end{ })}{6}
            {({ }end{ })}{\lstbasicfont ({ }end{ })}{7}
            {:end}{\lstbasicfont :end}{4}
            {:{ }end}{\lstbasicfont :{ }end}{5}
            {end:}{\lstbasicfont end:}{4}
            {end{ }:}{\lstbasicfont end{ }:}{5}
            {,end}{\lstbasicfont ,end}{4}
            {,{ }end}{\lstbasicfont ,{ }end}{5}

If your are using mcode.sty, you can simply add this code. As of today, the relevant lines to change are around line number 239.


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