This is the personal website of me, Tim Bernhard. I use this website mainly to publish in the blog whatever I was missing when searching the web, whatever advice and ideas I wished for or got when solving a problem. Sometimes, the content is just some ideas, a short code snippet, and sometimes a slightly longer tutorial. I kindly as you to not use the content as an exemple of my technical writing skills – if it has to be used to assess me, please see it rather as an example of things I am interested in. But even then, I would kindly suggest you rather ask for my CV, checkout my GitHub account or the projects I do for clients.

From the Blog

A working Netatalk Setup on Debian 12

This is one more of the "notes for my future self" posts. This weekend, I invested time (apart from baking christmas cookies) to migrate my backup server away from Samba to Netatalk. I had...


My Path to Making My PC Ready for Windows 11

While my self-built PC (my self-reward after passing the basis exams at ETHZ) has quite powerful components, it was not yet ready for Windows 11 according to the PC Integrity Checking Tool. What was...


Ikea Cart to CSV

Some time ago, I ordered online in Ikea. As some of the stuff was not to be paid by me, I wanted a list of everything I bought, preferrably immediately available in Excel. Thanks to some JavaScript...


Review of my City (Balcon) Garden

Last autumn (more than a year ago, actually), I moved into the city. From my agglomeration home, where I grew up midst of green, flowers and trees, the change into the big grey Zürich is a big one...


All posts can be found in the blog!