Google and New Year's resolutions
Anyone who searches the web reveals something about themselves - at least if they does not protect himself against it. So Google, Bing and Co. record every search query, together with the date, location and whatever data they can still get. Luckily, they always offer an insight into their data and show trends and highlights, for example on
This data can provide important insights or at least fascinate. And they represent the thoughts and concerns of our society. For example, it can be seen that shortly before the sale of new iPhones, the search queries for "iPhone slow" skyrocket exponentially.
Now, shortly after New Year's Eve, now, at the beginning of the new year, there is an equally rapidly increasing demand for "fitness", "losing weight" or "diet". This year - like all years before, pay attention to the curve - will quickly decrease again. In spring, when the people dream of a bikini figure again, the search queries go up a little, but decrease again this time - up to the New Year's resolutions!
What regular curves do you find? Write your observations in the comments!